Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thankful for my Thanksgiving etc.

We made it through Thanksgiving, just Scotty and I. Jenny went with her boyfriends family (mom, dad, and two teenage sisters) to the desert to camp out for 8 days, so it was just hub and I.

I bought an 18 lb turkey (hey, we have cats to feed!) and all the fixings. Scotty loves his 'little smokies' Chik 'n' bisket crackers, pepper jack cheese, and cocktail sauce. Me? i dont touch any of that. As usual, i am the one that prepares the turkey, since its the only meal i can do without help. Well, almost without help. i refuse to dig out the giblets etc. So, after we rinsed it out, cleaned it up, it was ready to cook. Our oven is a piece of junk, so we bought a Roaster and put the turkey in that. It turned out great. Scotty and I enjoyed our day, and didnt fight once!

Black Friday. I NEVER venture out into the crowds for this. But, since hub works at Walmart, there was a cookware set for 29 bucks, featured in the Black Friday Ad, that i asked him to pick up for me. It was all i wanted. Our cookware consists of one frying pan and a quart sized pot. Everything else was lost during the move. Sad huh? He came home from work, and said 'sorry no more cookware sets'. When i asked him why, he said 'There was only 5 available to begin with'. WHAT??????? needless to say, thats a load of crap. Now to be completely fair, the ad did say 'Limited Quantities'. Why didnt they just say '5 available'? I emailed Walmart, and told them, that i took my money elsewhere. Not that they care, but it made me feel good.

Yesterday, here on Waltons Mountain, aka Pine Valley, CA (mountains east of San Diego) IT SNOWED!!!!!!!!!!!! you all know how much i love the snow. it started out raining, then while i was sitting, reading a book by my beautiful french doors, i looked up and SNOW! it wasnt much, around 1 or 2 inches. But it snowed. It was beautiful, and i loved it. I almost bought the farm, when i was going to the garage to put the cats inside, to get them out of the weather. The stairs were part snow, and part slush. Mix that with wooden steps, and we have me, slipping a couple of times, almost getting to the bottom faster than i planned on! But its all good. I still love the snow, and cant wait for more!

Thats it for today. If anyone is reading this, can you let me know? i feel like no one is really reading this! xoxo

here it is, when it just started to stick!

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