Tuesday, November 21, 2023

What happened to good customer service?

Customer Service is most certainly a lost art.



 There, i said it.  Remember the days when you could go to a store, the clerk would look you in the eye, maybe ask how your day was, ask if they could help you find something, and chat with you while you were doing business with them. AND thanking you for coming in, and telling you to have a nice day.

Sadly, this is not a thing anymore.  I know this from experience.  I have been in customer service since 1973 when i got my first job. At Sears Roebuck.  Back then, they didn't have to tell us to establish eye contact, it was just something that we knew to do. Small talk was what made sales flourish.  

i worked at a local casino for a bit recently, and i was shocked at the poor attitudes of a lot of the employees.  Not a smile to be found for a lot of these people, so much so, that when i greeted people with a 'Hello, how are you?' i felt out of place. 

How hard is it to LOOK A CUSTOMER IN THE EYE? or smile, compliment them, make small talk, or just thank them for coming into the business?  I swear, it feels like if i go to 10 businesses, maybe one gets it...and has great customer service.  Very sad in our society today. 

i am trying to get back out into the working world. at 67, it's just going to be part time but i feel so old, being the person that does actual customer service.  maybe not old, but as i said before, out of place.  i'll stick to my guns and do what i am great at, but shouldn't it be the norm to want to wow the customers? Or am i fighting a losing battle?

Next time you are out, pay close attention to how you are treated when you are spending your hard earned money.  Do they look at you in the eye? Do they Smile or thank you for your business? Probably not. It only takes a minute to do any of those tasks, but every one of those employees works on a fast moving conveyor belt, and might be rushing to get you out of there.  Well, i for one, don't like it. 

I miss the old days.


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