Sunday, February 13, 2022

Bengals Fan

 from the time my daughter was born, in 1993, my brother took to calling her Bengals fan.  it was a running joke in my family that he called her this as a silly insult, because the Bengals were notoriously bad back in the day, and well, the name stuck.  

when she got older, he'd say 'Hey Jen, you dropped this, Bengals Fan', or 'Hey Jen, your shoe's untied, Bengals Fan' ... things like that. She loved it, and he cracked up when she'd fake being mad.  

my brother passed away 10 years ago, and so we really never brought it up again...until today.  The Super Bowl.  LA Rams vs the Cincinnati Bengals. my daughter thought it was fitting that she was now a real Bengals fan just for her Uncle Brian.

The halftime show at the superbowl was another Brian Coincidence'. Snoop Dogg and Dr Dre performed was my brothers favorite song at the time.  When cell phones first came out in the 90's, my brother LOVED that song, and made that song as his ringtone. On his flip phone, when it was nearly impossible to have a ringtone other than what came with the phone. My brother was SEVERELY technology impaired, so that he was able to do that was a miracle in itself. Somewhere i have the little bitty flip phone, and maybe someday i'll charge it up and turn it on.

so, while i'm sad that the Bengals didn't quite pull it off today, i know my brother was up in Heaven, cheering on any team, and laughing at my daughter who probably tripped over her shoelace because being a 'Bengals Fan' forgot to tie her shoe.

RIP Brian, you are missed.

 Snoop and Dre

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