Tuesday, September 15, 2020

All the Frito's in the world...

 Today is the day i dreaded for the longest time. Our very last cat, Frito Marie passed away. We said after this cat, we were done.  i still mean it.

We rescued Frito after her mom abandoned her babies after they were born. We cared for them, got them good homes, and we kept the runt of the litter, Frito.  i have no idea why i named her Frito, but she answered to it.  She was a snob and she knew it.  She hated our other cat, Henry J (RIP Buddy). They merely tolerated each other, but i know that if it weren't for my husband and i, she would have punched him in the face plenty of times. i also know she probably did when we weren't looking. 

She was very fussy about her food.  Never wanted the same thing twice in a row. She would refuse it, and since i'm a sucker, she got anything she wanted. But NEVER 9 Lives. she hated it. 

She fooled our neighbors into thinking she was homeless.  they said they'd been feeding her for years and had no idea she belonged to us.  Goofball!

Frito was very jealous of my marriage. She did not want my husband and i anywhere near each other. She was like a jealous wife i guess. She was all over hub when i was home, but when he would leave, i was her favorite. Also, i was the one that tripped over myself getting her the good food. But, hub got all the credit. 

Frito Marie, you will  be missed so much.  You were our very last cat. we're up in age, and as animal owners, it became too much to bear when we'd lose another one. it never gets easier. We'll go out on top.  Love you. i know that Boo Boo Kitty, Monkey, Mama Kitty, Nano, Grandpa Mason, Henry J, Gato, Lady and Princess were at the Rainbow Bridge waiting for you.  Don't punch Henry J. 


Typical Smarty Pants

She probably wanted something

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