Thursday, January 9, 2020

i have arrived in another year

i have arrived in another year. Another decade.  This life that i honestly thought would end when i turned 30, goes on.  I didn't plan on dying before 30, but i honestly made no plans for after 30.  I think i've done okay for myself. 

My first (and only) real resolution is the one i've stuck to for 5 years now. if i absolutely have to have fast food, i must park my car and haul my old ass inside. you'd be surprised at the big reduction in getting fast food when you have to make an effort to get it.

Health-wise i'm stepping up to the plate.  I'm almost 14 years past the recommended age for colon cancer screening.  i'm also a big chicken who saw what my dad went through for the prep,and just decided it wasn't for me. Did i mention my dad AND his mother died from colon cancer? You'd think that it would be an incentive for me to get it done. Nope. What WAS the incentive? my belly bloating up to look like i'm 9 months pregnant. I'll document the day (if i'm not too scared and cry-babyish) 

this year with luck, i'll be an 18 year, Stage 3, Breast Cancer Survivor. Mammogram in June. Stay Tuned.

There's other health stuff, but i won't bore anyone.

i have to brag about my Christmas Gift from my mother in law. it was a WEIGHTED BLANKET! without a doubt, i love this thing. it's a blanket that is quilted with glass beads inside. the one i have weighs 20 pounds, but there are lighter ones. They are highly recommended for those people who have insomnia, or anxiety issues. I have severe insomnia, the type that medication doesn't even respond to.  This blanket is supposed to feel like a hug. it rests on you and honestly, IT FEELS LIKE A HUG! it covers you, and conforms to your body.  i've slept pretty good for the last week.  of course i do wake up 3 or 4 times a night (Kidney Failure will do that) but when i come back from the bathroom, i am able to fall back to sleep immediately. If this blanket were a person, i'd marry it. 

here's info for it if you'd like to check it out
 Weighted Blanket

 make sure it's quilted so that the beads are evenly distributed. 

Thats it for this round.  

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