Friday, November 29, 2019

Thankings and Henry J

November 25th, Henry J Tice passed away. Who was Henry J Tice you might say?  He was our 14 year old cat.  

he didn't start out as our cat.  We moved into a house and he was there before us. by that, i mean, when his owners moved, he kept coming back. so, being the cat lady i planned on being my entire life, we invited him to live with us.  We talked about names, and i suggested we name him after my dad, Henry J Bosang.

the name stuck of course, but we found out after the fact, that he, in fact, was a she.  But, by that time, we had already been calling him a he, so that's how that started. Over the years he handled it well. actually, i am sure he could have given a crap, LOL. 

When we moved in 2008, he had to get used to an entire new place to live.  Henry J Tice did not like change, at all.  Another one of his quirks.
He didn't like being around other cats. he preferred me, or his solitude.
So, at night he'd sleep in his nice, safe garage.  In the morning, you could hear his meow to be let out of the garage to be fed. He was very food motivated. He also ran his life like the military. breakfast by 0900, lunch at 1300 and dinner at 1700. He never missed a meal. ever. 

Toward the end he was nearly blind, lost weight and had a bad hip. but he still never ever missed a meal. He loved his food.

He will be missed so much. He's filled up my daily life since 2007, and i don't know how'll i make it through a day without him.  So, in honor of Henry J Tice, i will post what i am thankful for about Henry J.

He taught me patience. 
he taught me kindness
he taught me love.
he made me laugh every single day, whether he meant to or not.

i am thankful for my friends that cared for (well, fed Henry J, because he was food motivated)him if i couldn't be there to do it. 
i'm thankful for his special needs, as it taught me that i could do anything. 

i'm also thankful that he shoved his way into my life.  He was with mama kitty when she passed away and for that i will always thank him.

Goodbye my special buddy, i love you and will miss you more than you will ever know. 

Rest in Peace.  you have cans of food waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. 

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