Sunday, November 8, 2009

just ramblings of the mom of a 16yr old.

I did today, what i do every single November 8th, i sang Jenny happy birthday in my best off tune voice. She says she hates it, but our day does not start until i've warbled. Then we walked in to town, and bought Jenny her favorite chicken sandwich at Frosty Burger. It was fun doing the family thing for her birthday.

Here she is today 11-08-09 @ Frost Burger waiting for lunch

I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday. What mom doesn't? I woke up at 5:12am and realized I was in labor. Since me and my gigantic tummy had relegated poor Scotty to the couch (my tummy, and 5 pillows), i had to walk in the living room and tell him I was in labor. True to form, he went back to sleep for an hour, until i told him that the pains were 6 min apart, and we should get ready to go. While i was trying to walk to the car, i had to stop to allow for the contractions, and Scotty yelled 'Come ONNNNN, we have to go!!!'. Um, Scotty? you cant do it with out me!

Needless to say, we made it to the hospital, and I gave birth to my little Jenny Punkin Pie. 3 epidurals didnt work, no pain meds work. SO, me, the fragile flower, gave birth to a beautiful, 8 pound, 14 oz little angel. And my rock of support? After Jenny was born and we are comfortably settled at the hospital, Scotty drove to the bank to get money. Fool locked his keys in the car! Too funny! Then, when he finally got back from the bank, i had the hospital bring in a futon for him, and he proceeded to lie down and go to sleep ALL NIGHT! he said he was tired, poor thing. All that work LOL.

For the first year of Jenny's life we called her Pootie Potato Head. No reason, just thought it was funny. She also had some serious health issues. I wont bore you with the story, but after months and months of being misdiagnosed, it turns out she had a duplex ureter, and a ureterocele. Basically urine backed up into her kidney killing half of it off. So at 9 months she had the first of two surgeries to remove half the kidney, and reconstruct her ureters. She handled it fine, but me? i'm still traumatized :)

SO, she's now 16, and still my Jenny Punkin Pie, or as my friends call her JPP.
We've been through a lot, but she's polite, happy, and well adjusted. I'm very proud of her. Is she getting a drivers license? no. She will never drive as long as I am alive. Haha. Just kidding. Christmas break we're going to find a big deserted parking lot, and i'm going to teach her to drive. wish me luck.

just after being born and all fixed up.

after the hemi-nephrectomy. She was a very sick little girl :(

age 3. after surgery to reconstruct ureters.

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