Saturday, February 27, 2021

You were one in a million...or two

this is a copy of my Facebook post today... Dedicated to my brother.


Today, February 27th, would have been my brother, Brian's 63rd birthday. We lost him to cancer June 18, 2012, but not one single day goes by that i don't think of him.

i'd like to tell you about my brother. He was the best dad, brother, son, uncle and friend. He never said no, and sometimes that was his downfall. Next to my dad, Brian was the funniest man i ever met. He wasn't afraid to be embarrassed or be the butt of the joke.
Like most siblings, we had our ups and downs. I was the bully sister who would punch him, and when he punched back, i told on him and he got in trouble. He would get back at me by finishing all of his dinner when i hated mine. or he'd have the cleanest room when i was the opposite.
I loved my brother, and will regret not being there to say goodbye. but one more quality that my brother possessed was his ability to forgive. RIP Brian, we all miss you.
Brian, Jennifer and Brian's daughter Elizabeth

Brian and my husband Scott

Jennifer and Brian

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