Friday, April 3, 2020

Times they are a changin'

if you are reading this, we have either survived the corona virus, we're smack in the middle of it, or you came here to see what my last blog thoughts were when i died from it.

I joke when things are serious.  So, this thing is a real laugher. I'm in the category of high risk, so for the most part, i'm staying home. i've been out to get my medication twice, and pick up a few groceries, but that is it.  

hub unfortunately has been classified as an essential worker. He's a manager of instock for Walmart.  He's lucky so far as he works graveyard so doesn't have the crazy general public to deal with. so far.
BUT, Walmart is going to start taking infra-red temps of each employee, elevated temp, go home.  My question is... WHY ARE THEY NOT DOING THIS FOR CUSTOMERS TOO?  Elevated temp? go home. 

They keep saying that we will get through this,but when? i won't even touch on our crazy person in charge of our country.  I wish he'd listen to the experts and just shut up. let the experts lead us. not him and the My Pillow guy.  

My daughter and i were in Vegas the week before the quarantine/self-isolation started.  Hopefully we didn't bring it back with us. We are in great heath (well, except for my diabetes, kidney failure and age).  

I miss being around my friends. I am home all day, every day. but staying home will just help us get out of isolation sooner.  

Late night thoughts by this old broad. 


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